Wednesday 18 December 2013

"Y Lladron - The Thieves"

At the towering fort, Rhiannon and Pryderi are victims of an enchantment. Manawydan has no option but to leave them in this state, he leaves Dyfed with Pryderi's wife Cigfa. 

They try to make money to live by in England but eventually return to Dyfed. Manawydan brings back a large batch of wheat and sows field after field. 

"The wheat sprang up the best in the world. his three fields flourishing alike so that no one had seen wheat finer than that..."

Manawydan starts to reap the first field one morning. He is outraged when he finds only bare stalks, but luckily the next field is ripe. He vows to reap it the following day, but unfortunately he wakes to find the same has happened to the crop. He checks the third and last field and on finding it is still in tact, decides to get to the bottom of the mystery and keeps watch overnight. 

"While he was doing so, towards midnight, he heard the loudest noise in the world. He looked. There was a huge army of mice - they could not be counted or measured. The next thing he knew the mice were making for the field, and each one was climbing up along a stalk and bending it down, and breaking the ears and making off with the ears....And as far as he knew there was not a single stalk there without a mouse to it." 

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