Wednesday 18 December 2013

"Pwerau Hud Cai-Dwylo o Dan - Cai's Magic Powers-Hands of Fire"

One of Arthur's knights, Cai, son of Cynyr Ceinfarfog was very close to Arthur, but they argued like brothers. Cai was brave (but very stubborn), supernaturally tall and had many powers. 

In the tale of "How Culhwch Won Olwen" it reads - 

"Cai had magical qualities. For nine nights and nine days he could go without sleep. A wound from Cai's sword no physician could heal. Cai was clever. He could be as tall as the tallest tree in the forest when it pleased him. There was another strange thing about him. When the rain was at its heaviest, whatever was in his hand would remain great was his heat. And when his companions were coldest, this would be kindling for them to light a fire." 

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