Wednesday 18 December 2013

"Peredur a'r Llew - Peredur and the Lion"

Peredur, son of Efrog was the youngest of seven sons. His mother was very wise and after his father was killed, she kept him away from battle for as long as possible. She even kept any talk of weapons and enemies to a minimum in his presence. 

One day when Peredur was a little older, he met three knights and decided to join them on their quest, in the hope of one day becoming a knight himself.  The knights were Gwlachmai son of Gwyar, Gwair son of Gwystyl and Owain son of Urien. He learnt as much as he could from his mentors and became a formidable warrior. He longed to be a knight and the three men told him he would deserve to be knighted by Arthur if he only undertakes every task and quest sent his way. He embarks on a huge adventure and proves his worth with every battle and every victory. 

One of his tasks involved getting past a fierce gatekeeper - A Lion.

"...and at some distance in the forest he could see a steep rock, and the road leading to the side of the rock, and a lion tied to a chain sleeping by a rock. He could see a deep pit, of huge proportions below the lion, filled with the bones of men and animals."

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