Tuesday 17 December 2013

"Drudwy Branwen - Branwen's Starling"

The king of Ireland, Matholwch, arrives in Wales and chooses Branwen "The most beautiful girl in the world" for his wife. On hearing this news, Enfysien, Branwen's cousin is outraged that he was not consulted. He maimes and injures all of Matholwch's horses for revenge. This insult to Matholwch's honour is great and the anger simmers within him over time. He takes Branwen back to Ireland where she is accepted and has Matholwch's child. After two years however, it appears Matholwch's men have still not forgiven what happened to their horses in Wales. Matholwch bows to the murmering of dissatisfaction among his men. He forces Branwen to cook for the court and imprisons her as punishment. 

"Branwen reared a starling at the end of her kneading-trough and taught it to speak. She told the bird what kind of man her brother was. She brought a letter telling of her punishment and dishonour. The letter was tied to the base of the bird's wings, and it flew to Wales with the message."

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