Wednesday 18 December 2013

"Claddedigaeth pen Bendigeidfran - The Burial of Bendigeidfran's Head"

After the great battle between Bendigeidfran &Matholwch's men (caused by Efnysien) Bendigeidfran is wounded by a poisoned spear in his foot. Knowing his fate, he orders his head to be cut off. 

"...and take my head," he said "and carry it to the Gwynfryn in London, and bury it with it's face towards France. And it will take you a long time; you will feast in Harlech for seven years, with the birds of Rhiannon singing to you. And you will find the head to be as good company as it ever was when it was on me. And you will stay for eighty years in Gwales in Penfro.......But as long as you open that door you can stay no longer. Make for London to bury my head. And now set off across the sea."  

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