Wednesday 18 December 2013

"Dylan,Ni thorwyd tonnau byth oddi tano - Dylan, No Waves Ever Broke Beneath Him"

After Math had punished Gwydion and Gilfaethwy, he turns them back into men. He feels they have served their punishment and asks them which maiden to take as his new companion. 

"Lord," said Gwydion, "It is easy to advise you - Aranrhod daughter of Don, your niece, your sister's daughter." She was brought to Math.

He mad her step over a magic wand to prove she was still a virgin. "....and as she stepped she dropped a large, sturdy, yellow haired boy. The boy gave a loud cry. "Well," said Math son of Mathanwy, of the sturdy, yellow haired boy, "I will have this one baptized. I will call him Dylan." As soon as he was baptized he made for the sea. And there and then, as soon as he came to the sea, he took on the sea's nature and swam as well as the best fish in the sea. Because of that he was called Dylan Eil Ton - no wave ever broke beneath him. 

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