Wednesday 18 December 2013

"Dilyn y Baedd Gwyn - Following the White Boar"

The third branch of The Mabinogi centres around Pryderi, son of Pwyll, and Manawydan, brother of Bendigeidfran. After the burial of Bendigeidfran's head, the two men return to Dyfed. 

"One morning Pryderi and Manawydan get up to hunt; they get their dogs ready and leave the court. Some of the dogs run ahead of them and approach a small thicket that is nearby. But as soon as they enter the thicket they come out again quickly, their hair standing on end in fear, and return to the men." 

Pryderi and Manawydan approach the thicket and a gleaming white wild boar rose from it. 

"They followed the boar until they saw a huge, towering fort, newly built, in a place where they had never seen either stone or building. The boar was heading quickly for the fort, with the dogs after him."

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