Wednesday 18 December 2013

"Gwydion a Gilfaethwy, y Tri Cosb - Gwydion and Gilfaethwy, the Three Punishments"

Gilfaethwy, son of Don, falls in love with Goewin, daughter of Pebin. She was companion to Math, son of Mathonwy, lord over Gwynedd. Nobody was aware of Gilfaethwy's feelings for her. 

Gilfaethwy and his brother Gwydion also happened to be Math's nephews. They worked for him and helped circuit the land on his behalf in Gwynedd.

Seeing his brother was gravely lovesick, Gwydion decided to make sure he got what he wanted. After much plotting and planning, they trick Math into a battle with Pryderi and his men, which leads them as far as the uplands of Ceredigion. While the battle is in full force, the brothers travel back to Gwynedd. Gilfaethwy declares his love for Goewin and when she rejects him, he attacks her. After the battle is done, she tells Math everything. Math decides he will punish his nephews in a way they will not forget. 

"Had it been my will, I would not have lost all those men and weapons. You cannot compensate me for my shame, not to mention Pryderi's death. But since you have come to do my will, I will being to punish you."

He makes the two brothers mate - first as hind and stag, then as wild sow and wild boar, and lastly as wild wolves. 

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