Wednesday 18 December 2013

"Owain yn byw yn y Coedwig - Owain Lives in the Forest"

Owain, son of Urien was one of Arthur's knights. Owain once went on a long journey where he had many experiences, some of which were devestating. He went missing from Arthur's company for three years. He was lost, but made a life in the enchanted castle of the Lady of the Well. Arthur and his knights eventually found him, and although he was happy to see them he was full of grief and bad memories. 

"The next morning he got up, and he did not make for Arthur's court but for the remote regions of the world and desolate mountains. And he wondered like this until all his clothes disintegrated and his body all but gave out and long hair grew all over him; and he would keep company with the wild animals and feed with them until they were used to him." 

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