Tuesday 17 December 2013

"Bendigeidfran yn Cerdded ar Draws y Mor - Bendigeidfran Walks Across the Sea"

On hearing of his sister Branwen's imprisonment at the hands of Matholwch, Bendigeidfran sets out across the Irish Sea to liberate her. Matholwch's men have no idea what is approaching them on the Irish coast. 

In confusion, Matholwch goes to Branwen.
"I know what it is." she says "The men of the Island of the Mighty coming over, having heard of my punishment and dishonour." 

"What is the forest they saw on the sea?" Matholwch asks. 

"Masts of ships and yardarms." Branwen replies. 

"Oh!" he says. "What was the mountain they saw alongside the ships?" 

"That was Bendigeidfran - my brother, wading across." she said. "There was no ship big enough to carry him." 

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