Tuesday 17 December 2013

"Cipolwg Cyntaf o Rhiannon - The First Glimpse of Rhiannon"

Pwyll, prince of Dyfed and his men went for a walk one day to the top of a mound, called Gorsedd Arberth.
"Lord," said one of the court "The strange thing about the mound is that whichever nobleman sits on it, he will not leave without one of two things happening : either he will be wounded or injured, or else he will see something wonderful". Pwyll dismisses the risk of being injured, and carries on walking. They wait in suspense and eventually see a woman on a white horse approaching. Pwyll is bewitched. He sends someone on horseback to meet her, but she is too fast. After several attempts to catch up with the woman, Pwyll exclaims "For the sake of the man you love most, wait for me!"

"I will wait gladly" she replies. "....and it would have been better for the horse if you had asked that a while ago!" She fixed her gaze on him. "Lady," he said "where do you come from and where are you going?" 

"Going about my business" said Rhiannon ".....and I am glad to see you." 

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