Wednesday 18 December 2013

"Breuddwyd Rhonabwy-Y cigfrein - Rhonabwy's Dream-The Ravens"

Madog, son of Maredudd ruled Powys from Porffordd to Gwafan. His brother Iorwerth was bitter about Madog's title and role in the county. Iorwerth committed murder, arson and took prisoners in anger. Madog decided to look for Iorwerth and set up groups of a hundred men in every corner of his realm to catch him. On this quest was a man called Rhonabwy. 

One night during their search Rhonabwy and his group of men saught shelter for the night. They came to the house of Heilyn Goch son of Cadwgan son of Iddon for lodging. Later that night, Rhonabwy went to sleep lying on an enchanted yellow ox-skin on the dais. He dreamt strange and morbid things - 

"When they had played a little he could hear a great commotion, and the screaming of men, and the croaking of ravens as they seized the men by brute force into the sky......and let them fall in pieces to the ground."

"Dynion Arthur yn Ceisio Dal Twrch Trwyth - Arthur's men try to catch the Twrch Trwyth"

The tale of Culhwch and Olwen.

When Culhwch's mother dies after childbirth, his father, King Cilydd son of Celyddon remarries. Culhwch's stepmother tries to arrange for him to marry her daughter. When Culhwch says no, she is so offended she curses him so that he cannot marry any woman unless he finds and marries Olwen, the beautiful daughter of the giant Ysbaddaden Pencawr. Culhwch becomes intrigued by the woman he is destined to marry. He asks his cousin Arthur to help him find Olwen. 

When they eventually find her, she falls in love with Culhwch. However, they can only marry if her father agrees. Unfortunately Ysbaddaden is destined to die upon the event of his daughter's marriage so he sets Culhwch and his men many impossible and dangerous tasks for his daughters hand. 

One of the greatest quests is to catch the Twrch Trwyth and retrieve the comb and shears he has between his ears. He is a fierce, wild and large boar - it is a near impossible task for Culhwch, Arthur and his men.

"...And they grabbed him first by his feet, and soused him in the Hafren until it flooded over him. Mabon son of Modron spurred his horse and snatched he shears from him. Before they could remove the comb he found his feet, and firm ground, and from that moment he found dry land neither hound nor man nor steed could keep up with him until he reached Cornwall." 

"Pwerau Hud Cai-Dwylo o Dan - Cai's Magic Powers-Hands of Fire"

One of Arthur's knights, Cai, son of Cynyr Ceinfarfog was very close to Arthur, but they argued like brothers. Cai was brave (but very stubborn), supernaturally tall and had many powers. 

In the tale of "How Culhwch Won Olwen" it reads - 

"Cai had magical qualities. For nine nights and nine days he could go without sleep. A wound from Cai's sword no physician could heal. Cai was clever. He could be as tall as the tallest tree in the forest when it pleased him. There was another strange thing about him. When the rain was at its heaviest, whatever was in his hand would remain great was his heat. And when his companions were coldest, this would be kindling for them to light a fire." 

"Owain yn byw yn y Coedwig - Owain Lives in the Forest"

Owain, son of Urien was one of Arthur's knights. Owain once went on a long journey where he had many experiences, some of which were devestating. He went missing from Arthur's company for three years. He was lost, but made a life in the enchanted castle of the Lady of the Well. Arthur and his knights eventually found him, and although he was happy to see them he was full of grief and bad memories. 

"The next morning he got up, and he did not make for Arthur's court but for the remote regions of the world and desolate mountains. And he wondered like this until all his clothes disintegrated and his body all but gave out and long hair grew all over him; and he would keep company with the wild animals and feed with them until they were used to him." 

"Peredur a'r Sarff Ddu - Peredur and the Black Serpent"

After so many battles and adventures Peredur made many alliances as well as enemies. One of his later quests (after he was knighted by Arthur) involved killing an enormous snake to obtain the gold it was guarding. He defeated The Black Serpent with speed and ease. 

Peredur's bravery was unrivalled throughout Wales. 

"Peredur a'r Llew - Peredur and the Lion"

Peredur, son of Efrog was the youngest of seven sons. His mother was very wise and after his father was killed, she kept him away from battle for as long as possible. She even kept any talk of weapons and enemies to a minimum in his presence. 

One day when Peredur was a little older, he met three knights and decided to join them on their quest, in the hope of one day becoming a knight himself.  The knights were Gwlachmai son of Gwyar, Gwair son of Gwystyl and Owain son of Urien. He learnt as much as he could from his mentors and became a formidable warrior. He longed to be a knight and the three men told him he would deserve to be knighted by Arthur if he only undertakes every task and quest sent his way. He embarks on a huge adventure and proves his worth with every battle and every victory. 

One of his tasks involved getting past a fierce gatekeeper - A Lion.

"...and at some distance in the forest he could see a steep rock, and the road leading to the side of the rock, and a lion tied to a chain sleeping by a rock. He could see a deep pit, of huge proportions below the lion, filled with the bones of men and animals."

"Blodeuwedd a'i Chosb - Blodeuwedd and her Curse"

When Math and Gwydion discovered what had happened to Lleu, they vowed to find him and punish Blodeuwedd. Gwydion eventually found Lleu in an old tree, in the form of an eagle. He was dying slowly and painfully. 

Gwydion managed to save his life. Meanwhile Blodeuwedd tried to run away. 

Gwydion caught up with her and said "I will not kill you. I will do worse. Namely I will release you in the form of a bird...and because of the shame you have brought upon Lleu Llaw Gyffes, you will never dare show your face in daylight for fear of all birds. And all the birds will be hostile towards you...You shall not lose your name however, but shall always be called Blodeuwedd."